River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: Tywydd Ffair Borth ...

... Welsh for "Menai Bridge Fair Weather" - which has sunny spells which entice you outdoors, you walk to the furthest end of the garden then you get soaked by a sudden very heavy shower :-((
It was also cold early morning, I put the heating on for an hour! Heating on again this evening ...
We had a lovely surprise FaceTime with out little granddaughter, her Mam and little sister - everyone so full of energy ... hope you had a nice restful afternoon! xxxx
Spent an hour or so pottering in the greenhouse, some of the black Italian Kale seedlings have re-grown after caterpillar/slug attack and I've potted them on, also a couple of red cabbage plants which didn't get planted out, nothing wasted! https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/3534047
Today’s Blip of blue sky which we had for a few hours this afternoon.
MrD managed a quick walk down to the beach before nightfall ... almost 9pm now, the wind has moved back to north-easterly, very chilly :-((
Stay safe & healthy and happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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