Art Projects with a Two Year Old

This is the photo from Wednesday (yesterday) I just didn't get on my computer. We woke up to a very blustery day....3 inches of rain in the morning and wind gusts of 55 was a great day for staying in and getting out some bits and pieces of stuff to make some "beautiful" art. Ellie's Grandma and her Grandma's sister seemed to be having fun with the art too. They never had a chance to be children and do children things because both of them were living in Cambodia during the time of Pol Pot; they were both captured as children and taken to the children work camps after their parents were killed. If you have heard of the "Killing Fields", that is probably where their parents ended up. It was a very sad time for the people of Phnom Penh, Cambodia; but these two sisters are the sweetest, most giving and kind people I know. They both came back to Phnom Penh after Pol Pot was gone and made decent lives for themselves by working as young teens as home helpers for room & food and getting educated on their in poverty but bettering their lives by hard work and eventually getting to the United States...amazing stories. Anyway, we all had fun giving pieces of stuff to Ellie and letting her glue them on paper......we also used glitter glue to make designs by folding the paper in half and seeing what we got when we rubbed the paper to spread the glitter glue.....very fun. See extra for Ellie's grandma & her sister.

This photo is a very unhappy Ellie because I wanted a photo of her with some of her creations; she didn't want to smile because she wanted her Grandpa to turn something on his computer. She isn't the perfect little girl I tell you about....all the time.  :-))

Enjoy whatever peace you have, stay safe and be kind to all.

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