Occasionally Focused

By tsuken


The polizei were on patrol down Katoomba St (my choice for the One Street project started by kendallishere). Well, when I say on patrol ... this was just parked at the side of the road, but you know... ;-) I rather like it.

Large here.

Busy day today - and I made very good use of my bluetooth keyboard, for file notes as well as letters. "Why not simply use the work PC?" I hear you cry. Because it's too, too painful. The keyboard is awful (not just the one on my desk; all the work PCs have awful keyboards), and to add injury to injury , I would have to use Microsoft Word. And for further injury, it's Word 2007, which has an interface that has me almost literally tearing my hair out when I do brave it.

So no.

Right now I'm staring at the basket of goodies mrs tsuken got me from Haigh's, and regarding my supposedly-hungry tummy (I don't believe it really is hungry; I think it's just regarding that same basket of goodies). Grrrrrrrrr I better put that away, before I put them all away, and in the process put away a few of the kg I've lost. xP

Yay - wife-of-tsuken has just reminded me it's almost Saturday, so I get to pig out to my tummy's content then. ^_^

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