
By 58jc

Old men

No photo today as the weather was horrible nearly all day, wet and cold. Summer has officially ended and autumn arrived - heating on!

However my son sent me this picture that a friend had sent him. I returned to work for six months when he was around 3 and did a maternity cover job. He had to go to nursery three days a week and cried every time I dropped him off. I went to work heartbroken and he probably stopped crying the minute I walked out the room!

We were laughing at the clothes children were dressed in! Like little old ladies and men! How different from today. The boy in the middle is a good friend that he met at senior school and they only realised they went to the same nursery through a chance
Conversation. Small world.

He’s top row left hand, on the end. Looks a bit different today!

nursery fir a few months, I remember dropping him

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