
Had one of those busy kind of days in the house with the girls, the kind of day where you look back on it and wonder what exactly you did that took up all that time.

In a quest to try out different forms of entertainment and general cultural shenanigans I took advantage of some free tickets from leasko to go and see Cats, my first experience of what I believe is termed 'musical theatre' (Actually that's a lie, my mum took me to see Joseph And His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat at the the Hull New Theatre back in the late 70s - Jess Conrad in the lead, I knew a lot of the words, it was the 1970s after all...) Back to Cats - Just. Didnt. Get. It. I was a bit concerned at first that my two girls would get bored, then as the show progressed I was almost hoping they would get bored so we could leave at the interval. No such luck. My youngest (aged 6) especially, every time I looked over at her, was clapping along and looking at the stage through the little eye glasses and generally having a fine time. I'm glad they liked it. They should cherish the memory. Not entirely sure if we'll be back for more.

Right, I was drifting a bit during the show and thinking of a good cat song I could link to on here. Here's a good 'un, a live TV clip that I distinctly remember watching back in the 80s, Friday teatime excellence. And I don't think, if truth be told, that it's actually about cats at all...

[Over at the other place...]

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