A Child From Zanskar

.... in a forest in Switzerland. I went to see a photographic display of this area that I trekked through in1981!These huge canvases (two more in extras) were framed by trees and posted along the upper section of the Avançon River. They looked so vibrant in the rain. Forests and rain don’t happen in reality in Zanskar, a kingdom in the rain shadow area of the Himalayas, cut off from anywhere else for up to 8 months a year. I felt so nostalgic, seeing so many faces that could have been from 40 years ago. It prompted me to look at old slides (one in extras) that I had scanned of that trip. I then felt so sorry that my grandchildren probably won’t have the opportunities to travel so freely in remote areas as some of us used to do. My generation has been a lucky one, at the same time we have been unwitting participants in global warming. And now that a road is planned by the Indian Government to traverse Zanskar, it is bound to have a mixed effect on the lives of these children as the tourists pour in. However, although we were there so long ago, a road was planned then... it never happened!

Thanks so much for your generosity for the cairn in the river yesterday. I passed by this morning, it was a raging chocolate river.

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