Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Feast time...

... The nuthatch was having a wild time, creating quite a shower with all of it's non-favourites (much like a child going through a big tin of chocolates seeking only the green triangles). 

The sunshine soon gave way to some welcome rain. I didn't care, I was baking. (I was a blur in the kitchen frankly). 
I'm not new to baking, yet still I don't understand how you can weigh out two sets of ingredients, with the same scales.. Make two cakes, from the same recipe, in identical tins... Bake them together, swapping their places in the oven from time to time (so they each have a fair stab at the hot spot)... And end up with two cakes that look as though they are made from different recipes. 
(Fingers crossed both are good, as I've given one away). And that's the other thing isn't it?
Like little Schrodinger's Cats in cake form, you never know whether they're too moist or too dry until you've stuck the knife in... As long as they sit there, minding their own business, it could go either way.   

Oh well. It's all been good practice for the (whistles nonchalantly) Big Cakes for the C word in December that we're not quite ready to mention yet.

At least the wine forecast is looking favourable.
Happy Friday one and all.

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