#410 - Roses are red...

I know, I know, this is sooooooo cliche, but it had to be done!

I love Valentine's Day. I know a lot of people don't, but I do, so there!

Life is so busy for most people, and it's easy to take your loved one for granted. It's nice to have a day to make you stop and think about how much you appreciate each other. How much you love each other. That's all. Even if you hate the commercial side of it all, the sentiment is pretty lovely.

And here endeth today's lecture. I shall climb down off my soap box (I've read far too many moaning and bitter comments on the wonderful world of facebook this morning) and look forward to the fact we actually have a babysitter this evening! Hooray! So we're off to Pizza Express for tea and then the cinema. Lovely.

So, to all the loved up blippers out there, happy Valentine's Day...

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