Love you.

Woke up early, unable to get back to sleep. Still reeling over loosing my job and to be honest, now that its sunk in, it's really knocked my confidence a bit. If I'm not good enough for a job I know so well, and do well, then what am I good for??? I still can't believe that my 20 year career all comes down to a 15 minute Teams chat with 2 complete strangers where they were scoring my answers. Its not right. But then I heard of another great colleague who also wasn't selected just because she asked for part time and I felt so much better. It does appear that are keeping the "younger" ones.

I also had a message from another colleague that cheered me up a bit saying....

Hey Tamzin, I just wanted to say that I was surprised to hear you were not offered a job in the re structure... very strange!
Some people I thought would definitely get what they wanted would be you
It's their loss, they have lost a good un....
I hope you are ok and will move on to fresh pastures.
We will miss you

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