possibly a temporary placeholder image

Given that today was the first proper day of wandering randomly about as I pleased for a while I don't know why I ended up selecting this picture as the one to transfer to my phone for uploading along with those I've just filled in for Friday and Saturday. I couldn't initially remember what the rest of the day's pictures were of, perhaps because there are a fair few of a big pile of shirts draped over the clothes horse which were catching the light nicely and had the advantage of being visible from the sofa on which I was watching the last few episodes of the first series of The Wire which I eventually got round to downloading last week. I hadn't noticed that BBC2 were going to start showing them but if they're available to watch in a big clump I'd rather watch them in a big clump rather than be spoon-fed a bit each week. As well as the shirts there are a few of light against the cushions and the oatcake crumbs upon them. After finishing the telly and ironing the big pile of shirts I took them for a walk and to leave them in my locker at work, thereafter going for a wander seeing as I'd left it too late to be able to fulfil any of my outstanding shop-tasks.

Nicky initially hadn't wanted to come to see 2001 because she'd been confusing it with Close Encounters (or at least mixing up the opening of Also Sprach Zarathustra with the five-note alien-pop motif) but then didn't want to come after a long day allotmenting, especially with a longish film which started late. There was a little speaking-bit at the start from one of the staff with a few unnecessary interjection-blares from film bores in the audience, one of whom will at least hopefully check his facts in the future before spouting them incorrectly to an auditoriumful of people. Apparently this was a special 70mm print which had never previously been lent outside the BFI rather than the relatively old and manky 70mm print they had initially planned to show though it was noticeably more jumpy and flickery in places though that was possibly the projector's fault. Good film, though the to-infinity-and-beyond sequence could lose half of the colour-whooshing and most of the false-colour landscapes and be much improved. 'Spossibly worth checking out on DVD in case the sound has been re-rendered any better as it was getting very clangy during the loud bits, possibly the fault of the speakers though it felt more like a limitation of the recording.

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