Looking good.

Finally spent the balance of a gift card from a big birthday a few years ago. Isn’t this nice? The wee hook, (that needs painting), was made by our younger son in craft, design and technology at High School the best part of 10 years ago.

My wife’s eye is much better since treatment in hospital last night. A few more days will hopefully see her fully recovered.

A lot of the afternoon was spent cutting up yesterday’s pruning. Our younger son came and got stuck in; three pairs of hands better by far. It meant we could be together as we were in the garden. We had a cuppa before the sun went off the patio and left.

Dropped some stuff off at our older son and fiancé late afternoon.

Coronavirus cases in Scotland continue to climb. Over 700 today; so many students. Good to see Glasgow University offering assistance and financial support. The numbers now climbing rapidly at universities elsewhere too, they go back later.

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