Too Many Repeats
..... actually, as I get older I find I enjoy repeats!
I am running short of new subjects in this embryonic garden but the glorious, if chilly, sunshine today made a flower blip a must! So here's a resume of some recent features rephotographed today and combined in a collage.
The last Colchicum montanum Lost label colchicum
Crocus goulimyi leucanthus Sternbergia sicula
Colchicum cupanii bertolinii Colchicum speciosum
A lazy sort of day really. Some tidying and sorting indoors, some more cold frame glass cleaned - that really makes a difference, it was filthy, laundry and I made up a bread mix ..... must have done suomething wrong, it was a rare culinary disaster!
News from Norfolk, the first viewing produced a serious offer for the old home. Things are moving on.
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