
Looking back on the day, we feel we’ve done very little

After a small food shop locally, we drove to Ruxley Garden Centre. They were beginning huge preparations for Christmas and their gardening products section had been moved and greatly reduced. We decided to stay for some lunch which of course is table service only now, and after placing our order we waited 45 minutes for it to arrive. Not really a problem but quite a wait. I made friends with a young boy with his mum and sister sitting nearby ( 2 metres away). I caught his eye when his food eventually arrived and gave him a thumbs up... and that became our language! When ours arrived we did the same. When they left, we did it again! Great kid! He even told the waitress to have a very, very, brilliant day!

Then it’s been really chilly today with blustery showers. The trees are definitely beginning to change colour. All so suddenly. And I have the first lot of washing drying indoors after months.

My sister sent a photo of Charlie and Johnny meeting for the first time. Johnny, at 3yrs 4 mths, looking very proud and protective. V& N were also allowed to visit and after washing hands and donning masks, got to have a brief cuddle. Mother and baby are now happily home

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