Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

The unofficial hospital car park

was busy today :-)

But I managed to get a space .... just

I live near a school and parking can be a nightmare when school starts and finishes but that only lasts for about 20 minutes at each ened of the day. These poor people who live near the hospital must be so sick of people (me included) using it as an unofficial car park.

Today was my 3rd visit and I saw yet another dermatoligist. He was actually very good, and gave me much more information that the previous two, but I have to ask 'is it really in the best interests of the patient to see a different consultant every time?'

He was on time as well, which in my experience is just about unheard of. Last consultant I saw was late and I was his 1st appointment of the day. Apparantly his canteen breakfast had delayed him. Nice to know he has his priorities right!

Anyway, that's me done for 6 months and the expectation is that I will be signed off next time. That will be nice

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