
By fitzbilly

Two's company ...

... three's a crowd.

Not on the ground but I was looking down :-)

I didn't notice the third critter until I was editing. Three is supposed to be better than two in images, otherwise I would have cloned him out.

Camera club Zoom was very educational last night. It was a hands on demo of some Photoshop techniques. I just watched and took notes. I find Photoshop so complicated and full of features you would never use, and as a result the menus seem so convoluted. I learned a lot of new stuff though and afterwards I managed all the same edits on Elements, via much easier and logical menus.

In other news, having applied for mrsfb's state pension yesterday I tried to find someone to speak to about voluntary NI contributions. I worked my way through 4 different telephone numbers this morning before I got the right one.  All the incorrect numbers had a waiting time of at least 10 minutes, before they told me to dial another number. Why not just put the correct number to phone in the letter or on the website. It seems it will be worth paying the extra contributions anyway.

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