Food, Travel and Whimsey

By Fetch


I've never really been a fan of St. Valentine's day. To my mind organised romance falls into category as organised fun and after prepping food and scrubbing pans on for more than a decade on the valentine's shift I'd come to regard it with something between quiet dread and cold loathing.
However as I've got older I've paid it less attention and I was just planning on ignoring it altogether...But I had this potato and it seemed like too good and opportunity to pass.
And besides I really liked this card.

On the outside it reads "Upon visual stimulation Purkinje fibres trigger my ventricles to contract before my atria, contrary to a regular heartbeat. This causes insufficient circulation of blood to my lungs and body..."
And on the inside "What I am trying to say is: When I see you, my heart skips a beat."

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