Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


after continuous rain in Dublin today

Late getting home after long day at work and just shoved a curry into microwave. I am famished.

My blip is fuschia bush in front garden and the raindrops seemed to add to their beauty.

I have to get cracking on my art homework this evening.

The amusing theme set by our tutor yesterday is:

The Artist depicts The Vegetarian

All her students asked for clarification but she just beamed at us - shook her finger - and said

Be Creative in your Thinking and your Application

Tsk Tsk

So I rooted around in my brain and came up the wonderful french/belgian artist

William Degouve de Nuncques and his painting of Almond Trees

So this evening I will try to replicate this lovely image and present to my class at the weekend along with short bio of the Billster

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