The Orient Express

By koko

Rosehaugh ruins

The top left image is the old house that used to sit on the Rosehaugh estate , it is now a ruin as shown in the other images. It was an elegant residence and was even looked at as a purchase for the Queen Mother before she purchased Balmoral . It was such a shame to see it as such a ruin of Lodge Rosehaugh, Avoch.

Although this mansion stood for only 60 years the estate had always provided employment for the village and the Fletchers in particular did much to improve conditions in Avoch. These pages give a glimpse of this magnificent house. For a much more comprehensive view see the book "Rosehaugh, A House Of Its Time" published by Avoch Heritage Association.

In December 2016 a new edition of the book "Rosehaugh: A House of its Time" was launched on the 20th anniversary of its first edition. Co-written by Hilda Hesling, Magdalene Maclean, Kathleen Macleman and the late John Mills, the book contains new material and photographs and is available from Bassman Books.

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