Peacocks Everywhere

Another wet day.

Tomorrow is dry then to be followed by several days of rain. Saturday and Sunday look to be fairly wet.

I am working in the studio for much of the day. Not too much variation in these days and not a potential source of Blipfotos Much of what I work on is of no great interest to anyone except the client, although that usually changes when a project becomes public knowledge.

I am pleased to find that my Mac is working well and none the worse from its trip back in time.

Today’s Blipfoto and extra feature Peacocks.

Madhatter spied a peacock in yesterday’s Blipfoto and Mambo remarked favourably about the quilt.

Pat reupholstered 3 furniture pieces. A couch, and two chairs about 5 years ago.

The peacock appeared on the couch yesterday as did the quilt.

Today’s Blipfoto shows the peacock taking up prime position on the chair, and the extra shows the quilt opened out. Much of the quilt features a Peacock and peacock feathers.

The couch actually features the Rabbit. This is the second time Pat has reupholstered the couch. The first time was as part of a student project when she attended California College of Arts and Crafts.

After upholstering for the first time she then did a rather large painting of the couch. Although several of Pat’s paintings made it to Scotland the couch painting hangs in her sister’s house in Philo CA.

The second chair is a dining chair bought in Ikea’s bargain centre. It is the chair which features the Fox.

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