Red Squirrel


Hanging Their Heads ....

... in shame? Perhaps they've been naughty.Or maybe it's Snowdrop envy?


A manic day - I had to visit 2 schools in Kings Lynn ( a journey from home of 35 miles each way). BUT I also had to deliver a large, heavy printer to another school en route, so needed to drive to County Hall and collect it in one of the vans before heading for my destination. Of course when finished I then had to return the van to County Hall (as I'm also out on site tomorrow) before returning home - resulting in a 156 mile round trip. So I left home at 7:50 this morning and didn't return until 7:10 tonight. I did manage to grab a half hour lunch break before starting at the afternoon school. So I took a walk and spotted this moss. The nodding seed heads made me think they looked remorseful. Then again maybe they're pretending to be Snowdrops ....

I had an alternative blip: A solitary tear ...

Update on Mr. Ferret: Despite my best endeavours tonight, with a small bowl of food on offer, there was no sign of him. Not even snoozing under the pile of discarded horse feed bags. I rang Mick in Dereham - he's pretty sure Mr. Ferret will still be nearby, maybe as I was so late he was really hungry and had gone off on the hunt for a baby rabbit (there are a few around right now). So I shall try again tomorrow night.
To be continued ....

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