Flower Friday - Tiny Tiny Spider
It was raining this morning so we were only outside for a few minutes before I convinced Toto that we werent going any further much to his disgust!! I noticed some tiny flowers that were emerging amongst the bigger weeds so I picked a couple of bits to play with and we rushed back inside.
I found my macro lens and fiddled around with the flowers for a few minutes and then found the right size box that I could sit the camera on and eventually got down to actually taking some shots. Then this little tiny fellow emerged from amongst it all and he was running all over the flowers and I was snapping and this was the best shot out of about 10 :o). Definitely worth a look in Large!
He’s very tiny perhaps about 3mm and so adorable with those transparent legs and hairy pinkish back ; o). I felt so bad about accidentally bringing him inside that I went back out in the rain and put him back where I found him aww! ;;o) My good deed for the day!
I’m so tired after my big night out last night and another huge day today at work that I’m wilting fast and have to head off to bed. Catch up tomorrow night hopefully, thank goodness its the weekend ahhhh!!! Thanks for the love for the peeled paint abstract last night :o)x
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