By lizzie_birkett

No Photos Please!

...said Bella when she saw me with my phone.

I had quite a chilled out day today. Having finished sewing Amelia's quilt yesterday I put the sewing machine aside.
I joined a Facebook group recently called 'For Enjoyment Artists Group' and I'm taking part in #inktober. The idea is to draw a picture from the given prompt of the day, using ink, so -pen, felt tip or ink and brushes. It started yesterday with 'Fish' and today was 'Wisp'. I drew my hand snuffing out a candle.
I've really enjoyed sketching again.

I'm getting a bit fed up of seeing posts on Facebook about Covid being a conspiracy. One of them is from someone I know personally and some friends are agreeing with her!
This person keeps sharing things about the virus being no worse than flu and spreading fear about getting a vaccine when there is one - in fact  about any vaccines. Imagine if we hadn't had smallpox, diptheria, measles and mumps vaccines.
I don't know enough about the eventual covid vaccine but I assume/hope it will be safe. This person is accusing the governments of scaremongering but I feel she is doing the same herself.

Now Trump and Melania have got Covid after ridiculing Biden for wearing a mask!

A friend of Sabrina's who is a GP has tested positive for Covid and they saw each other socially distanced the other day so she went for a test today with little Lucy who is coughing badly. Hopefully it will be just  normal cough picked up at school.

The numbers are rising so take care and stay safe. :-) x

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