With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Morning has broken

I was wide awake well before dawn, as was little A and it’s seems quite a few round The Valley. This was our reward...

A new day and quite a few hurdles leapt.
The insurance company have given me enough to pay a few more repair bills, so that feels better ( though I am still shocked about how crap insurance seems to work these days). And then after a very long wait for a phone call, little Agu is signed up to start on his FP in ‘cooking and gastronomy’. We are hugely relieved and excited that he can literally get his teeth into something he loves. It wasn’t his first choice, but it’s a great one and he can see where it takes him.
An extended family meal with all Soller Foxes and T at Aires de Japon was just the best way to celebrate.

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