Back to Zoom

She woke up with a touch of a snuffle and quite a bit of attitude. The snuffle meant she wasn't allowed to Northern. The attitude meant she was sent to deal with her bedroom/pigsty. I decided I wasn't taking her to Royal, which is just down the road from Northern. It just felt absurd being allowed to one and not the other. Anyway, she joined the weekly JA class on Zoom that they have in place so any child from round the country who can't attend in person because of various covid related issues can attend a class. She didn't love it, she hates zoom so much, but she did some. 

The rest of the day sort of just "passed". She did some homework. She had screen time restrictions after her behaviour, but it meant she curled on her bed or the sofa happily. A lot of the day, for me, anyway, focused on preparations for tomorrow. Tomorrow I run the (virtual) London marathon. And tomorrow she runs a quarter marathon with me, all to raise money for an amazing charity called Reach, who support children with upper limb differences. 

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