11 years

Today is our 11 year anniversary. Asha made us toast in bed which was kind!
Tonight Claire stayed with the kids and put them to bed (much to their excitement!) whilst Danny and I went for dinner down the road. All places have to be shut by 9,30 and staff out by 10, so it was an early evening which suited us fine! I’ve added a phone pic extra of our lovely view and superb meat platter! Claire knows the owner of the restaurant and had mentioned it was our anniversary, so we were treated to complimentary cava, desserts and chupitos! A real treat of an evening!

Today I’m grateful for;
1) 11 years married to danny and many more together. Highs, lows and everything in between, but always better together.
2) The kids anticipation of time with Claire and her offering to babysit.
3) Bumping into a homeless friend who enthralled the kids with a homemade bow and arrow made out of straws!

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