Another Day, Another House.

This picture gives just an indication of how much rearrangement and ingenuity goes into making a home work as office, school, kennel, gym and restaurant for four people. Now we have joined them, the living room has become our bedroom because Jim is now working from home in the guest bedroom. Will and Peter, who would normally be at school or at work are now at home. Dana is teaching from the dining room table which is behind the couch from our bed. Ozzie is sleeping on Blake's bed which is behind the Peloton. Blake's crate, should he choose to use it, is at the other end of the couch. It is 100 degrees outside, which is why everybody is wearing shorts, but the air conditioning is running full blast to clean the air of smoke which is why john is wearing a sweatshirt.

The stuffed chickens on top of the cupboards were made by me for Dana when they moved into this house over twenty years ago. The flowers on the kitchen counter were given to me by Jim. We are hoping that our evacuation will be lifted on Monday and that we will find our house livable. Right now, the air quality has improved a lot and we are going to go for a walk....

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