The Lighted Life

By Giacomo

The Seeds of Change

I witnessed one of the most moving rallies I have ever seen in my life today. I believe I witnessed the deepest of passion. I watched as people had arrived as total strangers but left united as one body. They came forth from all corners of the city but were all there for one reason and one reason alone. It was as powerful as powerful can be. And it was beautiful and graceful and composed.

If you are wondering what this is all about, let me give you one tragic fact: According to a 2008 study by the UN, one in three women on the planet will be raped or beaten in her lifetime. If that doesn't make you stomach turn, perhaps this will: This atrocity can easily happen to someone quite close to you.

I could go on about the importance of what happened today in many corners of the world. But, hopefully it has already been raised to your attention and if not, please do this world a favor and click here.

To be brief, it was quite special and, as such, it should be celebrated. But, for this to be a truly epic day, the energy, the unification, the attention and the fight that was on display this afternoon must carry on and bring forth long lasting change. Surely it will not happen in one day at one rally. But hopefully the spirit and commitment of One Billion Rising will live well past today.

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