One Billion Rising: Bellingham!
More than 100 women and girls, some of whom are seen above, opened Bellingham Rising! tonight with great energy and enthusiasm, led by Vanessa Hamilton-Highfield in dancing to "Break the Chain," the theme song of this one-day international event to draw attention to the violence done to women and girls around the world.
Drue Robinson, founder of Bellingham Children's Theatre, coordinated the rich program of speakers, spoken word artists, dancers, singers, and videos -- including Eve Ensler's TED talk, "Embrace Your Inner Girl," and her poignant "Man Prayer," well worth two minutes of your time.
There were many other activities to choose from in Bellingham tonight; more than 400 people chose to come to this evening of inspiration, emotion, and information. I'm glad that I was among them!
(To see rallies in other cities, check out Giacomo's Minneapolis (Minnesota, USA) blip, Kendall's coverage from Portland (Oregon, USA), and Bookygoatherd's report from Zagreb, Croatia.)
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