Me and My Gal

I finished up all of my registration stuff today, ready to show to my supervisor on Monday. It is a big relief to have it all done.

The Youngest has gone on a sleep over at her BFF's place today, first time there. Hopefully she turned her manners on! This left the Eldest and I some one on one time together.

The Eldest opted for a walk down to get a milkshake from the cafe, then we went to Sunkist Bay to the playground, and wandered back home via the DVD shop. She hired that Katy Perry documentary, and has sat through it enthralled.

I also took a small leap today, and a few things all happened within an hour of me having leapt. Not going to go into detail out of superstition, but it could bring some changes. Will find out in the next couple of weeks.

Not sure what the plan is for the weekend...

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