Family Dog

By Family_Dog

sour grapes...

Well, brambles actually. I decided to take a 'no prisoner' approach with Arlo tonight to try to get him into a few more fruits. Plums - yes. Brambles, grapes, blueberries - no. Well, not tonight anyway. Far too sour. Although, it's no surprise really considering brambles are in season end of August.

Having bumped into the delightful LLP and delicious little Bella on the bus home from work today, she prompted me to get onto Mr Allotment at the council - we've been waiting 4 years for our allotment and as soon as I got in and started shoving brambles down my son's throat I decided to email to ask what the blinky-flip is going on. I'm sure I'll only get it confiscated off me within a week of having it, but its the principal of the thing!

I have a question for you all - well, the campers among you. We are ITCHING to get campampampamping and have decided to go next month. When we took Arlo camping last year he was still so small he fitted into this wee cosy toes thing we had for the car seat & I had him in his gro-bag and loads of blankets around him. Now, he's crawling and clambering everywhere and that won't cut the mustard. Tiso told us about their baby sleeping bags, but surely they can't be too safe? Arlo rolls over in his sleep and lies on his tummy, so I'd be a bit worried about him doing that and not being able to breathe.

What do you wise people recommend?

Anyway, I am off to dye my hair a healthy looking black, so I will hand the laptop back over to The Dog who's driving me DEMENTED by obsessing over digitalising his bleeding vinyl. It's amazing I've been able to get on the pooter at all tonight.

Have been completely rubbish at Blipping of late. My camera ran out of battery and I couldn't find the cable to charge it and for some reason the camera on my phone isn't working properly, so I had a blip hiatus!

I'm planning on becoming some kind of Blip Mentalist from here on in. You won't know what's hit you.

Although (as you can see) not too much has been happening to The Family Dog of late, LOTS have been happening to the Family Gregory and I really want to welcome my new 2nd-cousin-in-law Ben. Can't wait to hear how they're all doing. Congratulations to you all.

p.s - have backblipped x

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