I’m sure that most of us have heard the proverb “Necessity is the mother of invention” meaning that when the need for something becomes essential, you are forced to find ways of getting it or finding it.  Today was one of those days!  

After a good Zoom Church service, which included Communion and finished with a rousing sermon from Gavin Calver, the CEO of the Evangelical Alliance, I was wondering whether it was worth us going out today.  It has now been raining for about three days non-stop and we both realised that it would not be very pleasant driving around looking for dereliction, so I had to put on my “thinking cap” to find something that would fit in with Pinktober and this was what came into my mind.

Yesterday, I was excited to receive this beautiful card in the post from a lovely Blip friend in The Netherlands together with a lovely angel, so decided to use this with a pink background and it fits the Pinktober challenge well.  

I don’t know about you, but I love receiving post, so in these days of quick emails and text messages, it is such a joy to hear the noise of the letterbox flapping down after the postman - or in this case, the postlady - pushes something through the door.  I’m not sure that friends in America or other parts of the world get the same thrill because their post is often put into a postbox outside the house, but I can tell you, it is exciting especially when you see that the envelope is hand-written as yesterday’s was.

You may know that I make my own cards, and last week, I wrote about ten cards to different people, so I hope that they will feel excited when they see a hand-written envelope popping through their letterboxes during the next few days.  

Some of those cards were get well cards, some were to encourage friends, some were birthday cards and some were just “catch up” cards, but they were all written with love and I hope will be received in the same way.  

One card that I will be posting this week is going to the grandmother of a little girl named Addy, who has been diagnosed with a rare, terminal disease, known as Batten’s Disease;  at present there are only 100 children worldwide known to have this disease.  A Day of Prayer and Fasting was held yesterday - and what a privilege it was to be part of this group of Christians - a family praying for one of its members - so I have printed off the poem I wrote for Pinktober Day 3 in 2017 and will send it to her this week, as one mother and grandmother to another.  

“God cares for you,
     so turn all your worries
          over to him.”
1 Peter 5:7 Contemporary English Version

P.S.  Please don’t forget to click on this link so that those who cannot afford to pay for a mammogram can have a free one.  Thank you.

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