
By Stace91

Childhood Memento - Is This Really Me?

This is another Name Frame I have which sits beside my bed. I have three name frames in total (I think people are worried I will forget my name).

I might put this on my desk at work for the person who keeps calling me Stephanie.

I have had this one since I was a baby, I remember it always being in my room.
I always loved this one because of the unicorn and the kitten I think it's really cute.

I find these interesting as well, I have a Japanese one too which is pretty cool, but they don't really say the same thing, like when you read horoscopes and each website has a different outlook on how your day will play out.

But sometimes I read these and wonder how they can say each Stacy is like what is written. I have met a lot of Jessica's and they were each different. My name frames tackle different aspects of our lives. This one is more about Travel, Career and Relationships and the other one focuses more on personality (Dreamer, Eccentric). They are both pretty close to what I am like (maybe not the eccentric part, depends on who you ask...) but I wonder if another Stacy has read these and just gone "Nup, not me!"

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