Unplanned shoot at Hoornse Diep

I was out for a 8km walk, when I received a text message from Ton. Apparently, I had called him during the walk. I must not have locked my iPhone before putting it back in my coat. Ton mentioned he was going out for a sunset shoot at lake Paterswoldsemeer, together with Peter. I thought that was a good idea and I promptly was invited by Ton to join in. Problem: I still had a good 3.5km to walk and not that much time before I had to leave for Paterswoldsemeer. I did make it in time, to grab a quick bite and then head out.

The initial spot by the lake was nice and I did get some decent shots. Around the time of sunset we moved to windmill De Helper, where I had been a couple of times before. There was quite a bit of wind and I already had a couple of good shots of the windmill, so I wanted to try something else today. We walked back from the carpark to the road, where we had spotted this nice scene. Then it was back to the windmill, but once again my attention went somewhere else (see the extra).

So there you have it: an unplanned shoot, at which I got unplanned shots!

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