Beach hut user

We hired a beach hut today and had a GREAT time playing in the sea. Cathie and Jodie went back to get dried and warmed up. I continued to play in the rollers for ... I suppose an hour or more. It was just SOOOO good to be in the sea. Don’t know when last I was! Ahhhh!
When I did finally leave we only had an hour left with the hut. Enough time for a pot noodle, some hot choc and a toasted muffin (English) with honey.
We then drove to Whitby and walked along the front into town. We stood on the pier and watched the pounding waves for quite a while then wandered along to get some fish and chips. As we walked back along to the car it got dark. We did well to get the best of the day. :)
Elsewhere in the country it seemed to be torrential rain all day (from listening to the radio) but we had blue skies and sun pretty much all day. It tried to rain a little just as we left the hut but it couldn’t be bothered!
Ahhhh! What a fab day! :D

The extra is the funicular railway. Unfortunately not running at the moment. It could have saved us from hiking all our bags back up the stairs!

Another extra may well appear when my water camera has dried off and I have the chance to connect it to the computer!

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