I took the upstairs doors off this morning and put them outside, adding to the pile destined for the skip. They're the original doors and I had to do a lot of banging with hammer and screwdriver to get rid of the paint covering the screwheads. My intention when I moved had been to save the doors, but on closer inspection they're too far gone.  They're not standard size, but I've found identical new ones after a search and will order them next week so that I'll be here for delivery. 

Mary and I were to have gone to the Loughborough climbing wall over lunchtime, but we've altered the booking as Mary wasn't feeling great. She blames her new glasses!

After shopping this afternoon I determined to deal with the bag of floor levelling compound, mixed it as instructed and poured it in the hole by the front door. The hole was the result of the removal of the partition wall, I'd cleared all the loose bits out and judged that one bag would be enough. But as I poured, I watched the level rise, and then fall... where on earth was it going? I did check that it hadn't somehow escaped through the wall and run down the drive, but I'm going to need a second bag.

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