
By wildinlailand


31st March already!!. How did we get there so fast? That's 25% of the year gone already. Anyway as it is the last day of a financial quarter one of our funding cheques came through to spend on projects a massive £142k.

Anyway back to the picture. It was really mild on my lunchtime walk and I happened by chance on this Brimstone Butterfly basking in the sun. Usually they fly off on approach but this one was quite torpid and not up to temperature so was quite happy to have pics taken. They don't rest with their wings open and are masters of camoflague looking rather like a dried leaf. When they fly they are a bright lemon yellow. It is said that they are the true heralds of spring. Also depending on which ID books you read the Brimstone is the butterfly that gave rise to the name butterfly being the fly the colour of butter.

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