Dark. Very Dark.
The Monday babysit rolls round again, and after a bit of a play in the front room, a trip up the garden produces the desired effect - the wee thing can withstand my somniferous tones no better than anyone else and promptly falls asleep on my shoulder.
Later, a trip over to take the boat back to the mooring between showers. And a catch up on all things. Rumours abound that a 'circuit breaker' is a-coming down the line. As the national clinical director (aka “The Dentist”) says, "So the idea is that a two-week, roughly, circuit-breaker, would buy you 28 days. You don't know that for sure, because it's not an exact science, but it would buy you about a month in the pandemic.” Well, whoop de doo. Kick that can.
And finally the long awaited last episode of The Walking Dead Season 10, much delayed by covid. And… it ends on a cliff hanger. Quelle surprise.
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