PomPom Pilates

By orangepress

Turkish tasseography

In preparation for the cup to be read and my fortune told, I had to drink the coffee from one side of the cup. When I finished the coffee, the saucer was placed on top of the cup, and I was told to make a wish.
With the saucer still covering the top, the cup wass held at chest level and turned counter-clockwise a few times.
Following this, the cup was turned upside down onto the saucer, and left to cool. Apparently a coin is sometimes placed on top to make the cup cool faster and to dispel bad omens that could be read from it.
When the coffee cup is cool enough, someone (other that the person who drunk the coffee) opens the cup, and starts interpreting the shapes for divination.
In my fortune reading, I was told that I will see many many places and make many many friends; that I will own many small properties - but no hotels; and that the sun will always shine on me.
In sh'Allah.

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