Pilates was painful, at the time. Now the memory is fading and so has the pain. It was that prickly ball on the piriformis again!
I had a few important phone calls to make and at first things weren't too promising. I had a parcel to finish packing for friends which then needs to be delivered for sending abroad and so got down to this job while I waited for a return call. D is a brilliant packer and I cut the tape.
I also had one last doll to dress.
Then the phone rang and wonderfully a problem has been solved. I was more than pleased. Hence the yellow dress fabric for this very pink doll, reflecting my delight and the sunshine this afternoon.
Not so good, we have waited in all day for delivery which hasn't come and has put paid to our plans.
In this BCAM month please visit this breast cancer site and click to donate a mammogram to someone who would benefit from having one.
Thank you again!
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