Couldn't .....

..... resist!
When I was out shopping this morning I collected the Radio Times , then, I saw this adorable book and just had to buy it. I'm posting it away tomorrow to a 2 year old who I know will love it.
It took me an age to shop today as my glasses steamed - up worse than I'd known , every few minutes I was stopping and clearing them . It 's such a pain but I don't know how this can be cured ( any idea / remedies!!)
On returning home I did some ironing then prepared an " End of Romans" summary. Only to loose it as I sent the e- mail grr .
Still did it a second time and success, hurrah .
Had several phone calls putting the world to rights !! Not.
Hope all's well and safe with everyone .

Grateful ..... That's my shop is completed , just wish I knew how to cope better with steamy glasses?

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