Prize winner!

You'll recall CyclopsJnr recently won a poster competition. Today this (pictured) nice lady from Sustrans came round to give him his voucher for a bike shop, and a bag of cycling goodies. CyclopsJnr was especially pleased to get a Sustrans water bottle, as he doesn't have his own biking water bottle. Sustrans will be putting photos of the winners on social media this week.

This evening we also took all the pictures and souvenirs down from CyclopsJnr's magnet board, gave it a much needed dust, and sorted out those that are no longer exciting or precious. Then we started putting the important stuff and some new stuff back up again. Needed to do this - no space for new stuff otherwise!

Cyclops and MrsCyclops had a video conference parents evening with CyclopsJnr's teacher. Due to Covid we've not met her in person before except from afar at drop off / pick up. She was very nice, and said positive things about CyclopsJnr's enthusiasm and progress. She did also say he talks a lot. That we know. 

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