Red Pop

Very 'druilerig' today.  Jabbed into the new MOOC on Mindfulness, given by our very own University of Leiden, and it is killer-good ... and promises to be a challenge.

Guess what?  AW decided to cancel his bridge evening altogether.  I was so relieved and told him so.  They have online facilities and thus have no excuse to return to face-to-face games, mask required or not.  In fact, masks were not required, and this is what turned us both off.  AW would have brought his own, of course, but that would have not been a reassurance.  You won't know till at least 10 days if you got it.

As for the political news across the Atlantic, I don't know really what to say about that.  I pity those who live there, at least 'that' group, and there's a sliver of a very fine line between pity and something else.  I am concerned for our/my friends, very much so.

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