Lisa's blipping life

By Lisamoore

Im a dolphin, free from lanyards! ( for a week)

Yeahhh, its half term, normally friday is my day off but i had to go in for 'staff development day' which is usually consists of lots of meetings that are either boring or with speakers going over the same old stuff yet again! But today i have to say i actually enjoyed!
They had a speaker who talked about different personalities, not multiple ones, just different types of people and how the reaction we get off some people is different to the one we would get off another person.
I found out that im a dolphin ( you would have to see the lecture) and that i work with falcons, koala bears, sealions and clown fish! Honest you had to be there. But i learnt something about myself and about what other people thing of me! It was all positive and i came away feeling content, surprised and motivated, which i think was the idea really!
Then i came home to an empty house! G was at friends so i rang K and found he and E had taken sprout to st annes beach! ( darn i would have liked that but never mind)
So i ripped the lanyard off my neck, i wont miss that for a week! blipped, made a cuppa and i am now enjoying the calm .... Before the storm. But i can handle it because... Im a dolphin! ;)

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