Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB


In 2011 I photographed a very elegant looking Daimler Conquest car in the streets of Bangkok complete with very snooty looking, chauffeur driven, lady.  I'd never seen this model Daimler before and was quite enamoured with it.  

Six years later a very good 'picker' friend, who I've trawled scrapyards with all over the US and UK phoned me and said, "Look what I've got for you"!  -  he'd found a chromed radiator from  a 1954 Daimler Conquest in a yard in Cambridgeshire and purchased it at great expense and it was mine for £1.50.   (Of course it was slightly more than £1.50 but MrsDB might read this so I've reduced the price by a £1.)

After three years of negotiation I've been given permission to put it on a wall as a piece of art.  I'm going to have it backlit blue or warm white (Negotiation Point 1.4.27, sub section 76).  As all happy couples know, a partnership is only successful if each party is prepared to give and take a little, use compromise, understand the other partners point of view.  I got the lounge wall.  She got the new sofa, wall lights, carpet, curtains.

As Jerry Reed would say, "She got the gold mine, I got the shaft".

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