Harvest home

A gorgeous early autumn day. Bright blue skies and warm sunshine. A good HIIT workout followed by a run while Susan went to the osteopath for a bit of manipulation.

She took her mum out after lunch to the local garden centre. I went to buy this year’s supply of pickling onions from a farm shop, calling in to cadge some wood from a house we’d seen having building work done. I’m going to try making raised beds at the allotment to see if it will help control the pesky marestails.

At the allotment I picked all the apples from our three trees and a big bag of runner beans, some of which may be too tough. This might be the last picking.

The lovely, low sunlight on Susan’s Straw Flowers, (Helichrysums),the boxes of apples and bag of beans made a pleasant blip.

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