Out with the dog.

The lovely Kinneil Woods.

Anyway, inspired by Lady Marchmont's recent post where her dog Archie recognised someone's scent in the Meadows (a vast expanse of green space that idiots seem to think of a an area to divest themselves of garbage) I decided to have an experiment with my daft dog that barks at his own reflection.

Mrs FP went off to visit a neighbour (socially responsible) who lives about a quarter of a mile away. The dog was miffed he didn't get to go, being wound up by the putting on of coats and boots and jangling keys.

Anyway, gave it five minutes and let him out, "Where is she?" 

To my surprise he tracked her. His muzzle never left the ground, he snorted and snuffled all the way to her feet and what a welcome she got.

The wee spud may have a talent after all.

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