Sally Hart

By rosiecatwoman


A blip pal , jMcLean kindly handed on her granola recipe to me. I set too yesterday and created my own with what had to hand.

melt together in a Large saucepan : 3 Tablespoons Coconut oil
                                                                 1Tablespoon Molases
                                                                 1Tablespoon Honey
                                                                 1 T Tahini
                                                                 2 teaspoons ground Cinnamon  
                                                                 2 teaspoons ground Tumeric 
                                                                  ground Cardamon to taste

Warm gently then stir in 3 cups Porridge Oats
                                            1/2 cup ground mixed nuts
                                             1/2cup sunflower seeds
Having stirred well together spread on greaseproof paper on a baking sheet.
Bake at 180 25 to 30 minutes .
having baked add 1/2cup lexia raisins 
cool, store. Enjoy with whatever you like. I have a daily banana and homemade kefir.

I'm puzzled why I've never thought to make my own before . Its the best I've ever had. 


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