Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Northern Fells

Lucky for me today, had two appointments in the Lakes with time in between to fit in a little walk with Bonnie. I decided to go to the Uldale Fells nr Caldbeck as haven't been there for a while. We walked along a track towards Trusmadoor a small pass inbetween two fells. As I was parking the car a lady farmer arrived on a quad bike complete with Collie on the back and she called out something to the sheep and they all trotted after her along the track, probably for food. It was lovely to see and would have made a great blip had I got the camera out in time! A few more here if anybody is interested flikr

After the walk we then went to Keswick for my appointment and afterwards whilst driving down the road which had parked cars either side, and therefore meant only sufficient width for one car to pass through, what did we come across? a local delivery van parked right in the middle of the road. So I waited patiently for the driver to reappear.... he could see me, but was chatting to somebody! I waited some more and still he carried on chatting. So I revved hard and hey presto I got his attention and he decided to move his van. Now I wonder why he thought it was ok to block the road when a mere 10 or 15 metres there were parking spaces, that's it rant over :)

I'm having a very quiet and relaxing evening now that the springers have gone home and Sasha can once again walk around the house!

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