Greek .....

...... friends ( Greek grandchildren!!
I was concerned I hadn't heard re their expected baby son had/ not arrived . So just sent a short e - mail had a lovely reply . Still waiting for their baby , but great news they've told me the name ( 1st to know & says spread the word!!) Apollonas mythical God of music & light . So typical of this lovely couple.
Weather has been mixed today , I got the car out early this morning as I wanted a parking space and that's hard to come by these days!!
After I'd done a few chores I loaded the car with sacks ready for the refuse when "A" came. We were lucky no one there so drove straight in , so , another job jobbed.
"A" and I went to the garden centre for a cuppa , all safe Covid regs observed.
I trotted around the fancy goods area and got a couple of gifts .
Now it's time to have supper of fish and chips.
Hope you've all had a good and safe day.

Grateful .... for "A's" help and hearing from Greece

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