My Mini Adventure

By JJ46


L gave me her favourite toy to take to hospital with me today. She has had it since she was born and she knows it makes her feel better so it must make everyone feel better. She has so much empathy does our little girl, so sweet.

It was a stressful morning. When I arrived I was told they needed to cancel the procedure as they hadn’t had my Covid test results through and the lab had no trace of it! What?!

I was ushered into a little side room to talk to a senior nurse about it. My heart sank and I nearly cried all over her... not again!!

Anyway, she escalated my case to the matron who signed me off to have an emergency swab... so off I trundled to the surgical ambulatory unit where I had a test and was sent back to the day unit where I had to sit in a far corner until they got the results.

I was so glad I had packed a book into my bag at the last minute as I got through around a third of it. Bunny kept me company.

So... “negative” was announced and I was rushed in, admitted, observations done and down to theatre within half an hour. My blood pressure had shot up!

But all went according to plan and I’m home now. Sore and wobbly but ok.

Night x

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